Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mission Statement, Values


Mission:  We will provide a progressive learning and play center for all injured , the disabled and diseased to undergo play and group therapy in a magical facility built and staffed specifically for their physical and mental healing and happiness. 

Values:  We are committed to creating a caring, play therapy.  Occupational and Physical Therapists, OTA's and PTA's will staff the facility from games, to eateries, events, parties and presentations.  At all times, the well-being and and healing of our guests will be of utmost importance.

How are we different?: Morgan's Playground functions around the idea of generally pediatric play facilities.  Their mission describes providing a beautiful environment for the disabled to enjoy.  At the other end of the spectrum, you will find hundreds of rehabilitation facilities throughout the United States.  Some are located or affiliated with hospitals and other are their own therapy canters.  Often times, patients perform ritual sets of exercises to improve range of motion, ability to use gross and fine motor skills.  These facilities are often medially enjoyable and include technological games and instruments, a mock kitchen, a computer, and toys for pediatrics with gym equipment for adults.
We aim to go above and beyond a combination of both types of facilities.  For example, each individual using our facility will have a card with personalized information including their diagnosis, monitoring system for staff and potential dangers their diagnosis might pose.  With one swipe of their card at any of the close to 100 fun spots alerts staff to their needs and allows the staff member to add therapy to the experience. For example, a patient is buying an ice cream cone.  The card is swiped and the server (an intern) knows this person was born with spina bifida and needs exercise rotating their right arm across their body.  Casually, the server will hand the patient the cone toward their left hand.

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